As of August 1st 2022, Element Armament will not sell nor ship magazines with capacities greater than 10 rounds to the following states: California, Connecticut, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Vermont and Washington. By utilizing the Element Armament website and/or affiliated selling channels, the user/purchaser acknowledges that he/she is not a resident of the referenced states or locales and will not transport restricted or illegal items into those states.


Important Gun Owner Links

Applying for a Indiana Concealed Carry License:  Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws: Flying with...

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Form4 Congressional Request

This is an option if you have been waiting over the ATF’s stated turnaround time. We had a customer reach out to their local official found on:  Then send them a message using this template. It may need to be...

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