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Black Widow 90gr .380 Auto XP Self Defense – 50 rounds


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SKU: BW_90gr380XP Categories: ,


Black Widow Ammunition is a line of solid copper self-defense rounds produced by End Run Tactical, LLC in Indiana. This ammunition employs the Lehigh XP technology to produce a self-defense round unlike any other on the market. The progressive nose geometry allows for deep, straight penetration while creating a permanent wound cavity diameter exceeding that of most expanding bullets.
Solid Copper Bullet (Lead Free)
Progressive Nose Geometry
18″ Penetration Depth Range
Permanent Wound Cavity (PWC) 2 Times Greater than Expansion Bullets
Reduced Recoil
Radial Flutes Force Hydraulic Energy Inward to Build Pressure
Sharp Cutting Edges on Bullets Defeat Barriers

Additional information

Weight 1.0 lbs


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