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Bootleg Inc. Carrier Completion Kit – AR308 Bolt


3 in stock

SKU: BOOT_BP-ABC-P30 Categories: , ,


Whether you’re looking to complete your Bootleg, Inc. AR308 Carrier or you like to keep extra parts on hand, our carrier completion kit has what you need. Our carrier completion kit fits perfectly with our gas adjustable carrier group to give you better customizability in gas suppression. Our firing pin retaining pin is made from 1038 steel wire, the bolt is 9310 steel coated in phosphorus, the cam pin is 4340 steel, and the firing pin is 4140 steel to ensure quality and durability.
– 308 phosphate complete bolt
– cam pin
– firing pin
– firing pin retaining pin

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in
Tube Length

Carbine, Mid, Pistol, Rifle


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