As of August 1st 2022, Element Armament will not sell nor ship magazines with capacities greater than 10 rounds to the following states: California, Connecticut, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Vermont and Washington. By utilizing the Element Armament website and/or affiliated selling channels, the user/purchaser acknowledges that he/she is not a resident of the referenced states or locales and will not transport restricted or illegal items into those states.

KALASHNIKOV USA KR9/KP9 Mag – 9MM – 30 Round Capacity


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SKU: KUSA_KR9MAG30 Categories: ,


The KR9MAG30 is a durable, lightweight, high-reliability 30-round polymer magazine is the proprietary magazine for the Kalashnikov USA 9mm series rifles/pistols (KR-9, KR-9 SBR, and KP-9).

Compatible with KR-9 / KP-9 / KR-9 SBR
30 round capacity