Few people would disagree that the Glock is arguably the world’s single most well-known handgun. In terms of popularity, it has no rivals and is used by law enforcement agencies, national armies, and for home defense purposes all over the world.
This is arguably an iconic pistol with near legendary reliability. However, while the term ‘Glock Perfection’ may well be the truth rather than a mere brand claim, the fact remains that it’s still a pistol—with a pistol’s inherent limitations.
Chief amongst which is the average pistol’s lack of firepower. Let’s face it, a regular pistol’s capacity would almost always be less than that of a combat rifle. Running out of ammo is definitely not an option when lives are on the line. Sometimes, it’s not possible to change magazines in the heat of a firefight. After all, you would rather keep shooting than reloading.
The Glock OEM 33-Round Mag
However, now it is quite possible to offset any tactical disadvantage of your 9mm Glock’s limitation by utilizing a magazine that would actually give you even more firepower than a standard 5.56 STANAG magazine!
Glock’s own factory original 33-round magazine has been expressly designed to work well with all Glock double-stack 9mm pistols. If you have a full-size 17 or a compact G19 or even a subcompact G26, just insert the mag, rack the slide and viola, you are loaded for bear!
It also has the usual Glock magazine’s numbered witness hole system so you would always know at a glance exactly how many rounds are left in your mag.
Tough Spring and Durable Polymer Construction
As with all Glock OEM products, this magazine too is built from the ground up from the impact-resistant polymer that’s made Glock a byword in the handgun industry. These mags can be dropped on concrete, tossed around in the field, and even used in extreme weather conditions without losing their structural integrity.
They are easy to load and have been equipped with Glock’s trademark orange follower for instant identification of the mag’s loaded or unloaded condition even in low light.
Glock OEM has ensured the magazine’s spring is very tough so that it would have a very long service life and feed reliably all the time, even when used in a select fire weapon. That’s why it is recommended to load and unload the magazine a few times prior to using it for duty work.
This magazine can also be used in AR-9 style 9mm rifles and carbines to give you the firepower of a rifle in a compact and low recoiling package.
It is a great addition to your bug-out kit and can even be used as your ‘go-to’ mag for your Glock 9mm home defense pistol.
If you want the firepower of a rifle in an ultra-reliable yet lightweight package, the Glock 9mm 33-round magazine is just what you need!