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Enola Gaye Top Pull Smoke Grenade – TP40 – Red, White & Blue Colors Available


SKU: EnolaGaye_TP40 Category:


The new TP40 from Enola Gaye has arrived; the next generation of our original WP40 Smoke. It utilizes our innovative Top Pull technology to make the grenade more user friendly while reducing the chance of misfire. Simply pull the ring upwards for a much smoother ignition.

Once the ring is pulled, 60 seconds of brilliantly colored, non-toxic smoke follows. Smoke from the TP40 is delivered from a single vent at the top of the grenade.

Legal for use in the USA, no license required
Our most advanced smoke bomb, great cloud
Duration: 60 Seconds
Cloud Size: 3
Simple Pull Ring Ignition (Top Pull)
Non-toxic Smoke, fully biodegradable body

The TP40 is commonly used for:

  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Sports & simulation
  • Events
  • Industrial testing
  • Weddings
  • Gender reveal


** These are for IN-STORE PICKUP ONLY at our brick and mortar location:  51 N US Highway 31, Whiteland, IN 46184 **